No matter what room of the house I was in, I heard the jingle of his little bell, a sound that seemed to distinguish itself from all the rest, announcing, “I’m here! Please stop whatever you are doing and spend time with me.” I was like a child on Christmas morning, racing down the steps to not only see what Santa had brought, but if I was lucky enough, to see Santa himself. That little ring was a signal to let me know my day was about to become brighter.
Chester was a social, silvery grey cat that would visit every house on the block. To many, he was thought of as a mayor, visiting homes, campaigning for love and affection. He did have a traditional home —across the street from ours, with his Mom Ruth, but it seems that he had many residences, traveling about like a little Buddha. He successfully managed to charm all of us, and became a welcome and endearing visitor.